Get unlimited online storage space at! According to the website, you can store all your files online forever for free!! I didn’t have any problem with the uploader. But you can also download “blooploader” for uploading files to your account. In addition to online storage, there are social functions offered by the website like sharing files, twitter updates etc. I just hope that this site continues its free service forever. You can see a short video about this service below.
How many times have you wished to visualize structure of the cell, DNA replication, photosynthesis or Krebs cycle in action? offers amazing animations in cell biology and biochemistry. The animations are of high quality and don't require any extra plugins and loaded easily in my Opera browser. I just wish that the site adds more animations from more topics so that medical education becomes more enjoyable. You can access the site in 5 different languages. Tags: animations , biochemistry , raman
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