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Showing posts from November, 2007

See molecular biology in action!

I was amazed to see such a fantastic collection of videos and animations in Youtube elaborating the intricate mechanisms in molecular biology. I always wanted to see them happening than just imagine it myself after going through the text descriptions. It was an eye opener to the educative aspect of this famous video sharing site. I just had to enter the right key words to search to get into a goldmine of these fantastic science videos. I wish I could see them much earlier during my undergraduate medical education days. Click here to go to the search page in Youtube to see the videos. Tags: youtube , molecular , biology , animations

Medical Podcasts

UBC Health Library Wiki is an excellent resource for medical podcasts. It provides a detailed information on subscribing to podcasts and provides excellent links to contents from different medical specialties. Don't worry if you have only heard of words like podcasts, audiocasts or audioblogs but know little about them; the links in that wiki site will give you enough information to get you started! Feel free to browse through the links or add your own if it is not listed there. Tags: podcasts , wiki

Medical algorithms, calculators and Excel spreadsheets

I always knew that MS Excel can have immense applications in the field of medicine. I searched for good medical spreadsheets online with no luck for a long time. I was planning to create my own Excel templates for medical applications. But I never got time to learn the application in detail, let alone create my own spreadsheets. I was puzzled why such a simple yet fantastic idea never occurred in someone else’s mind. But after a tiring search, I stumbled upon the gold mine. Visit if you are in search of high quality free medical templates online. I also discovered that Martindale has already indexed free medical calculators for our use. The link is It is a fantastic collection of free online medical calculators. Tags: medical , spreadsheets , excel , calculators


I've added the services of Odiogo in my blog from yesterday which will help you to listen to my blogs. I hope you like it:) Just click on the "listen now" button at the top of each blog to listen to the blog. You can also subscribe to my blog as a podcast and listen it in your ipod. Tags: odiogo

Search safe with Opera

There are many Opera web browser users like me who always wished for a service like McAfee Siteadvisor to work with Opera. Now Scandoo provides a similar service and Opera users can add the search by just right clicking inside the input box and click on the create search option inside Opera. But you will have to manually add the search string as inside the opera search edit dialog. Now I don't have to wait till McAfee creates an Opera compatible extension to make my browsing safer! Tags: search , scandoo

Web 2 excerpts

There is a very interesting blog in the Clinical Cases and Images Blog about the Web 2 in medicine. Though the contents were in the form of a PowerPoint presentation, there were many useful web links which I thought is very useful for a netizen like me. The following links were extracted from that presentation which I found useful in the presentation are the following : Case reports and HIPAA rules: Top 5 podcasts to listen to: Get RSS feed for any medical journal from Pubmed: Tags: web 2 , CCIB

Amazing animations in biochemistry

How many times have you wished to visualize structure of the cell, DNA replication, photosynthesis or Krebs cycle in action? offers amazing animations in cell biology and biochemistry. The animations are of high quality and don't require any extra plugins and loaded easily in my Opera browser. I just wish that the site adds more animations from more topics so that medical education becomes more enjoyable. You can access the site in 5 different languages. Tags: animations , biochemistry , raman

Medical Mnemonics

Medical mnemonics have always been an indispensable tool for a medical student to memorize facts. is the world’s largest repository of medical mnemonics on the net and is accessible from PC, mobile or PDA or download all the mnemonics as a single PDF file. It is a nice place to share your mnemonics with others and contribute to the repository. Tags: medicalmnemonics , mnemonics , raman                                                                                                          

RxPG - A great forum for medical students

The best internet meeting place for Indian medical students is undoubtedly RxPG Online . It claims to be the largest community website for medical students on the web which in my opinion is right at least in the Indian context. The website features extremely vibrant forums and discuss about almost all postgraduate medical tests. The forums are well moderated and the news team keeps the members updated about any news relevant to the medical students. There are many useful free downloads and tools which are helpful to any medical student aspiring for PG medical education. It is a nice resource to keep in touch with fellow students and also to relax by participating in the conversation threads in the Offbeat section. Tags: Raman , rxpg , forums