Pubmed is a premier source for biomedical researchers. PubMed is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes over 17 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to the 1950s. PubMed includes links to full text articles and other related resources. allows you to search pubmed in easier and faster way and helps to sort out the information. GoPubMed doesn't rank, the user does!
GoPubMed retrieves PubMed abstracts for your search query and sorts relevant information to the 4 top level categories:
"What", "Who", "Where" and "When" show the concepts, persons, institutions, places, journals and times which are relevant to your query search."Show statistics for these 1,000 articles" shows graphically publications history, author collaborations, most active publishing authors, countries and cities for your query. The same information can be found in the What, Who, Where and When categories on the left. In these categories an ontological representation is given. The site show a helpful summary and point you to the most important information in the context of your question. Simply hide or show concepts you do or you do not want to see. From simple keywords to complex advanced searches! GoPubMed offers a wide spectrum of possibilities.Some of the search strategies are the following:
To find concepts in Title and/or Abstract use [TIAB],
To find an author name use [AU]
To find an affiliation (University, Institute, Company, etc) use [AD].
"Require" and "Exclude" are filters to refine the search. They select all documents mentioning or excluding one concept and its children of a "What" category.
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